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What you need to know about 

corona virus

recreation updates 



what's open and

what's closed - recreation across the state?





come covid prepared



The representatives of your City, County, Port and other local governments want to encourage the safe and responsible use of the outdoors during this time. There are several jurisdictions involved in Hood River County recreation, for different lands and recreational uses. What is allowed may be different

for each agency - so please visit the links below.


Please pay attention to signs, posted rules and guidelines. Recreate responsibly, and be safe for yourself, and those around you.


  • Pack in and Pack out your trash - we've increased pick up but COVID restrictions cause limitations

  • Recreate close to home; limit non-essential travel

  • Wear a mask when around people you don't live with                                                         

  • Practice social distancing, keeping six feet between yourself and non-household-members

  • Remember: Crowds = Closures. Please do your part to ensure that our green spaces remain open. Be kind and share the space. 

  • Avoid touching surfaces. For this reason public restrooms, playground equipment, etc. are closed





















Fire season closures? CHECK HERE


 State / US Forest Service Gorge recreation sites (what's open / what's closed?)




                                        HOOD RIVER WATERFRONT - WHAT'S OPEN? (Port / City)

Pack in Pack out trash.jpg

This website is for Hood River County residents and businesses to help navigate the COVID-19 emergency, and other disasters.
This website is supported by Hood River County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management, Hood River County
Public Health,  the Cities and Ports of Hood River and Cascade Locks, Hood River County School District and Hood River County Prevention Department, and our vital network of local partner agencies.

Working together, we can prepare for disasters - and help reduce the impacts of emergencies in our community.
To contact us, please email Hood River County Emergency Manager at

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